TPACK Teacher Quest

Throughout this course we have been collecting badges as we work through different projects and improve our skills in relation to teaching and learning with technology. I chose the following four badges to represent my journey with this course as I feel that they have been the most impactful for me.

Digital ID Badge: 

For me, the digital ID badge represents the positive steps I have taken throughout this course to create a professional digital footprint as an educator. I have become more diligent about posting on my educational twitter and have come to discover that twitter is an effective way for me to share my journey as well as find resources and inspiration from other influential educators. I have also created a blog that I hope to continue using after this course ends. I feel that a blog such as this one could be useful to use as a teacher. When I have my own classroom I hope start a class blog where I can communicate with students and parents, post projects and reminders, and allow students to post their own progress through text and images as artifacts to represent our classes journey throughout the year. 

Gamification Badge: 

The gamification badge represents a unique piece of learning that I have acquired throughout the course. When I was first introduced to the idea of gamification, it immediately stood out to me. I hope to be able to use aspects that I witnessed in this course to gamify my own classroom. For example, I feel that badges can be a unique and effective way to motivate students and encourage metacognitive thought through the progression of a course, unit, or even project.  

Digital Teacher Badge:  

This badge represents how I feel that overall I have taken steps towards becoming more confident and competent in my ability to teach with technology. I have gained many valuable resources throughout this course, and although I am not a 'tech master' I now am confident enough to be able to try out these resources in my classroom even though they may not always work perfectly. I am committed to continuing learning as a technological educator. 

Genius Hour Badge: 

This badge is for me, the most exciting of the course. I was very intrigued by genius hour throughout the course and I ended up having a very positive experience with genius hour. Within the context of core french I feel that there is a great opportunity for success in implementing genius hour projects. The core french curriculum has listening, reading, writing, and speaking strands that can be accomplished through working on virtually any topic. To me, this seems like a perfect opportunity to structure learning around genius hour projects where checkpoints encourage students to work through the 4 strands of the curriculum in meaningful, engaging, and impactful ways. Throughout the course I have been thinking of ways to implement and adapt genius hour and I am so excited for the opportunity to one day be able to put these ideas into practice! 

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